A team carefully chosen to be successful
Pronur specializes in innovative, highly integrated and customized engineering solutions, to ensure the customer concrete, sustainable and winning choices for his investment.
Pronur responds in a qualified, effective and efficient way to every need, thanks to a team of professionals with specific preparation for each area of activity.
The founder of the company is Eng. Hatem Shahwan. Thanks to his technical experience, he places the human capital quality at the center of the company. This creates a team of professional engineers, architects and IT professionals who design functional and innovative engineering solutions to meet all customer needs with creativity, dedication and flexibility.
The team's mix of specialist skills has allowed the company to quickly establish collaborative relationships with the most important national energy operators.
The proven working method involves an initial discussion with the Customer and a careful preliminary analysis of needs. For each project, one specific work team, involving resources with the most appropriate training and experience. The work phases are thus defined, the tools and actions necessary to guarantee solutions perfectly in line with the shared objectives are chosen.

Dr. PHD Ing. Hatem Shahwan
Sole Director
Born in 1965, born in Palestine, of Italian nationality. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering and brilliantly obtained a PhD in Energy at the Politecnico di Torino. Since 2001 he has been a member of the Turin Order of Engineers.
It has obtained various certifications from accredited third parties, including: EGE Certification - Expert in Energy Management - UNI CEI 11339 - SECEM, LEED AP BD + C protocol, LEED AP O + M, GBC HB AP, WEEL AP, Environmental Criteria Application Expert Minimi in Construction, Advanced ITACA Protocol Expert.
He has thirty years of professional experience and has held key roles in several leading engineering companies.
He has conducted research in the energy field at the Polytechnic of Turin, at the FIAT Research Center in Orbassano (TO) and at ENEA in Rome.

Pronur believes in the principles of honesty, transparency and fairness towards customers, suppliers, collaborators and commercial partners, respecting the laws in force and committing to always maintain an impartial conduct and without any discrimination.
For this reason, the company has adopted a Code of Ethics which regulates the conduct of the activities and the ethical responsibilities assumed.